Our Story

Thank you for visiting our humble store! There are plenty of other spice blend companies out there, so we appreciate you considering adding our blends to your home recipes.

So, who are we? And what sets us apart from the other companies? We are a couple of friends who share a passion for cooking and baking. Time cooking in the kitchen is a highlight to our day! We see it as the best time to bond with family and friends and we want more people to fall in love with cooking the way we have. Making a restaurant quality meal can be tricky in your own kitchen, which is why we are bringing our custom blends to all of you!

We believe that seasoning should be held to a higher standard. This is why we bottle our seasoning in glass jars as opposed to plastic! Plastic is porous and can allow some of the aromatics to escape the seasoning, ultimately dulling the flavor of whatever blend you may have bought. This is just one of the ways that we ensure the blends you buy from us stay fresh and give you that same blast of flavor every time.

We make our blends in our home in New York State, which means we are considered a Cottage Food store. For this reason, we can only sell within New York State at this time. We hope to  build our company into an LLC and rent a kitchen so we may be able to sell to more customers across the country in the future. If you are reading this and do not live in New York, please feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates on our products and the progress of our company. And if you know someone who lives in New York, please encourage them to buy our blends to help us reach our goal so we can sell to you sooner! 

Thank you and we hope you enjoy our blends!